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Samsung HS30 ultrahang készülék

Samsung HS30 – Egyszerű kezelés


Samsung HS30 - Egyszerű kezelés

A felhasználó szem előtt tartásával és az ergonomikus kialakítással megtervezett funkciók révén a HS30 fokozza a termelékenységet és a vizsgálati kényelmet.

Fejlett képalkotási technikák


A zajcsökkentő szűrő javítja az élek kiemelését és éles 2D képeket hoz létre. A ClearVision alkalmazás-specifikus optimalizálást és időbeli felbontást biztosít élő vizsgálati üzemmódban.HS30_GI_01_lg
Knee with ClearVision


S-Harmonic using pulse inversion technology improves image clarity, near to far. Reducing signal noise, S-Harmonic provides more uniform ultrasound images.


Kidney color with S-Harmonic


S-Flow, a directional Power Doppler imaging technology, can help to detect even the peripheral blood vessels.


A diagnostic ultrasound technique for imaging elasticity, ElastoScan detects the presence of solid masses in tissues and converts any stiffness into color images.


AutoIMT+ is a screening tool to analyze a patient's potential risk of cardiovascular disease. It allows easy intima-media thickness measurement of both the anterior and posterior wall of the common carotid by the click of a button. This simple procedure enhances exam productivity and adds diagnostic value.


Strain+ is a quantitative tool for global and segmental wall motion of the left ventricle (LV). In Strain+, three standard LV views and a Bull's Eye are displayed in a quad screen for an assessment of the LV-function.




Panoramic imaging displays an extended field-of-view allowing users to examine a wider area. Panoramic imaging also supports angular scanning with data acquired from the linear and convex transducer.


NeedleMate+ helps needle targeting when performing commonly used intervention procedures.

Increasing efficiency


EzAssist provides the anatomical information of the human body at the screen to guide easy ultrasound scanning for untrained people.

Abdomen with EzAssist




EzCompare allows access to previously taken exams to evaluate corresponding views in a side-by-side display. EzCompare automatically matches the image settings, annotations, and bodymarkers from the prior study.

Thyroid with EzCompare™



EzExam+ enables users to build or to use predefined protocols and could help users perform full investigation by eliminating the risk of forgetting an image or loop capture, as well as measurement and transducer preset changes.

HS30 rövid magyar nyelvű termékismertertő

HS30 ultrahang készülék angol nyelvű termékismertető