Volume NT™ & IT™
A Volume NT™ & IT™ a legújabb eszköz a Nuchal Translucency (NT) vizsgálatok végrehajtására.
Az NT vizsgálata B-módban komplex és megterhelő, hosszas tréninget és minden egyes vizsgálat sok időt igényel. Ennek fő oka a pontos mid-sagittalis sík megtalálása, amely alapvető az NT vizsgálatokhoz, nagyon nehéz 2D módban, különösen mivel a magzat elhelyezkedésénre támaszkodik.
A Volume NT™ & IT™ forradalmasítja a folyamatot. A Samsung Medisonnak ez az új 3D technológiája megtalálja a valódi mid-sagittalis nézeti síkot a 3D volumen adathalmazból, és elvégzi az NT mérést a felhasználó számára.
A Volume NT™ & IT™ számos előnnyel jár a felhasználó és a páciens számára is.
Az NT vizsgálat sokkal gyorsabb és pontosabb lesz.
Scanning and capturing the true Mid-sagittal View with a 2D transducer is a challenge for everyone working in first trimester ultrasound. Samsung Medison, as a specialist in 3D ultrasound technology, has taken on the challenge to give the user as much help as possible in judging the true Mid-sagittal View from a 3D dataset. Clinical tests at several research centers have shown this method to be very effective. Once the true Mid-sagittal View is displayed, the user can define the region of the nuchal translucency for a measurement of the maximal NT, at user request.
The picture below shows the Mid-sagittal View captured from volume data using this technology. The Mid-sagittal View detection shows the true Mid-sagittal View with perfect accuracy, this is very helpful to avoid deviations from the exact Mid-sagittal plane.
Such deviations could cause non-visualization of the tip of the nose and visualization of the maxilla that articulates with the zygomatic bone.
Fetal Landmarks of Mid-sagittal View
The presence of the echogenic tip of the nose and rectangular shape of the palate anteriorly
Echo lucent diencephalon in the centre and the nuchal membrane posteriorly
The absence of the maxilla that articulates with the zygomatic bones
NT measurement
The NT measurement displayed on screen is the maximum value of the NT detected in the region of interest box. The Volume NT measurement results are transferred into the report package. Volume NT helps to avoid inter- and intra operator variability that comes when performing such measurements manually.
Volume image reassessment
With existing 2D images only the recorded images can be reviewed, even minor changes cannot be made. With Volume NT, the actual viewing planes can be manipulated using the saved volume data; the NT measurement can be re-calculated to aid reassessments and validation.
Volume NT – Advantage
Accurate interactive detection of the Mid-sagittal View
Highly user-friendly NT Measurement
Reassessment and review by using stored volume data
Tanulmány a Volume NTTM klinikai hasznáról